Wednesday, August 31, 2005


a special hyphy birfday shout to my friend Vinhito. after looking at this photo a jillion times in sheer delight and disgust, perhaps a razor blade would be a nice gift. however, only a razor blade that has had the privilge of gracing the face of our beloved uncle Ho would be worthy of scraping yours every morning.
feliz cumplean~os a mi amigo bueno.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Stupid Hyphy

Yes, I still hate hip hop. And hopefully, babies have meta-reflected upon hating our lord and have repented. However, i still love rap, especially that Yay shit. Heres a SNEAK...

Friday, August 26, 2005

Can it all be so simple

The Tran Kids circa 1989 HILLTOP MALL. Fuck the fits, it gotta be da shoes.
From left to right: Henry, Michael, David, Diana
After quite a bit of meta-reflection, my brother david and i theorize that Henry's got the thizz face out of sheer jealousy of not getting the Jordans. As for me sis, she knows Christmas ended months before this photo was taken.
As for shoes, it all went down hill from then on. I've never been the same.

Friday, August 12, 2005

I hate hiphop

after watchin the VH1 hiphop honors show and seeing so fuckin many white faces in the audience, tolkenized honors, and just the fact that it was on VH1, i hate what hiphop has become. i hate the abduction of it. i hate depoliticization of it. fuck it, I'll say it now, I HATE HIPHOP. i dont care if KRS and Public Enemy was on, that dont mean shit if MTV or VH1 didnt salute that back when they first came out. why is it that they had to wait over 20 years to be recognized? how come they wont play any of PEs latest albums that slammed BUSH?! and what was up with NAS doin Keep ya Head up and wreckin it?! why did VH1 have someone that 2Pac hated singin his damned song?! now every muthafuckas a freestyler. same shit is happenin with spoken word too. now every mutafucka that realized theyse a wack MC is all of a sudden a spoken work artist!! just because "i caaaaan talllllk liiiiike thissss" and "ohhhh daaaaa paaaaaaaainnn i feeeeel!" shit. get the fuck outta here! sounds more like STOLEN WORD to me. stolen words from real artists that didnt necessarily choose to become a rapper or poet or artist. fuck hiphop and fuck me. the only way im gonna be a hip hop head again is if MC Hammer makes a come back. hes dope and got love for people. other than that, im gonna stick to "gangsta rap."

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A Cole Piece of Work

More pics of mi primo guapo Cole.

Employ me!

Employ me dammit!! i aint picky, i just wont work for less than $15 an hour and benefits and a signing bonus plus credit card amnesty. Also, throw in a pair of them Tiffany Dunks too.